10th Gup White – 9th Gup White

Front punch with the fore fist

Side block with the inner forearm

Low block with the outer forearm

Low block with the knife-hand

8th Gup Yellow – 7th Gup Yellow

Guarding block with the knife-hand

Twin block with the outer forearms

Rising block with the outer forearm

Outward strike with the knife-hand

7th Gup Yellow – 6th Gup Green

Side block with the outer forearm

Thrust with the straight fingertip

Side strike with the back fist

Wedging block with the outer forearms

6th Gup Green – 5th Gup Green

Inward strike with the knife-hand

Circular block with the inner forearm

Guarding block with the inner forearm

5th Gup Green – 4th Gup Blue

Hooking block with the palm

Front strike with the elbow

Twin block with the knife-hands

Double block with the inner forearm

4th Gup Blue – 3rd Gup Blue

Side block with the reverse knife-hand

Upward block with the palm

Upward strike with the elbow

Vertical punch with the twin fore fists

Upset punch with the twin fore fists

Rising block with the x-fist

Pressing block with the palm

Angle punch with the fore fist

U-shape block with the arc-hands

3rd Gup Blue – 2nd Gup Red

Upset thrust with the flat fingertip

Side back strike with the back fist

Side thrust with the twin elbow

W shape block with the outer forearm

Double pushing block with the inner forearm

Front thrust with the flat fingertip

Pressing block with the x-fist

2nd Gup Red – 1st Gup Red

Pushing block with the palm

Upward punch with the forefist

Downward strike with the knife-hand

Side front block with the inner forearm

Side thrust with the elbow

1st Gup Red – 1st Dan Black

Inward strike with the knife hand

Inward front strike with the reverse knife-hand

Inward block with the outer forearm

Checking block with the x-knife-hand

Upward block with the twin palms