1st Dan – 2nd Dan

Middle punch with the middle knuckle fist

Inward front block with the knife-hand

Downward side strike with the side fist

Pressing block with the forefist

Wedging block with the inner forearms

Rear thrust with the elbow

Horizontal punch with the forefists

u-shape grasp with the arc-hands

Horizontal thrust with the twin elbows

Guarding block with the reverse knife-hand

High block with the arc-hands

Scooping block with the palm

Front strike with the back fist

Nine shape block with the outer forearm

2 Dan – 3 Dan

Downward block with the x-fist

Rising block with the knife-hand

Crescent punch with the forefist

Turning punch with the forefist

Wedging block with the knife-hands

Circular block with the reverse knife-hand

Downward block with the alternate palms

Inward block with the reverse knife-hand

Fronts thrust with the double fingertip

Pressing block with the twin palms

Downward strike with the backhand

Horizontal strike with the twin knife-hands

Downward strike with the back fist

Front strike with the arc-hand

Crescent punch with the twin fore-knuckle fists

Front punch with the open fist

Parallel block with the inner forearms

Parallel block with the outer forearms

Outward crosscut with the flat fingertips

High strike with the elbow

Downward thrust with the straight elbow

Crescent strike with the arc-hand

Inward strike with the twin knife-hands

Downward punch with the forefist

Downward block with the outer forearm

Rising block with the twin palms

Horizontal strike with the back fist

Inward crosscut with the flat fingertip

Side thrust with the flat fingertip


3rd Dan – 4th Dan

Side block with the knife-hand

Wedging block with the reverse knife-hands

Low double punch with the forefists

Horizontal extension of both elbows (release from bearhug)

Rising block with the x-knife-hand

W-shape punch with the forefists

Horizontal strike with the backhand

W-shape block with the knife-hands

High punch with the middle knuckle fist


4th Dan – 5th Dan

Guarding Block with the reverse knife-hands (in a circular motion)

Front Punch with the long fist

Checking block with the x-fist

Downward block with the straight elbow

W Shape block with the reverse knife-hands

Checking block with the twin straight elbows

Waist block with the inner forearm

Horizontal strike with the twin side-fists

Downward block with the palm

Side strike with the side-fist

Rising block with the arc-hand


5th Dan – 6th Dan

Vertical punch with the fore-fist

Upset punch with the middle knuckle fist


6th Dan – 7th Dan Master Instructor

Front punch with the twin fore fists

Inward block with the palm

Horizontal block with the twin palm

Upward block with the bow wrist

Inward front thrust with the angle fingertip

W-shape block with the outer forearms

Inward front strike with the under fist

Circular block with the knife-hand

Side back thrust with the twin elbow

Side punch with the fore fist